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The Specialisation Course in Vocal Music Therapy (Corso di Specializzazione in Musicoterapia Vocale - CSMV) is a course that offers concrete and exhaustive answers

on the use of the voice and vocality in the field of music therapy, where sound becomes a contact and communication tool.

It supplies a specific and adequate preparation on the subject, allowing music therapists to deepen the knowledge and development

of their own vocality in a professional perspective.


The SCVMT is for music therapists holding a qualification issued in accordance with the CONFIAM (the Italian Confederation of Music Therapy Associations and Schools) protocol and UNI 11592 standard or that have completed an academic degree.


Any applications from students about to complete their training in music therapy will be assessed individually.





The course lasts two years with classroom learning on 12 weekends between October 2024 and May 2026. The course also includes 4 online trainings, for a total of 200 hours of lessons.

A minimum attendance of 70% of the hours is required. In case of less than 70% attendance, a certificate will be issued for the hours and modules attended.

During the two-year course, assessment methods will be used to measure the knowledge and competences acquired.

At the end of the two years, a thesis will be required to demonstrate the organisational and managerial skills of a project dedicated to vocal music therapy.


Lessons will be held in Trieste, Italy.

The teaching venues are:


- APS Aulòs, Strada di Rozzol 12

- Casa della Musica, Via dei Capitelli 3


Course participants will be notified of the location of the lessons in advance.


The administrative and academic office is located at A.P.S. Aulòs, in Strada di Rozzol 12 in Trieste, Italy.


Years 2024-2026

First year

Classroom lessons (Sat 9am-6pm; Sun 9am-5pm):  19/20 October 2024 - 16/17 November 2024 - 18/19 Genuary 2024 - 8/9 February 2025 - 8/9 March 2025 - 10/11 May 2025.

Second year

Dates will be announced later.


The main objective of the course is to supply knowledge and insight into music therapy competences with, regards to vocal communication in clinical preventive and rehabilitative fields.

The goals are to achieve specific and adequate professional preparation in vocal music therapy.

The course focuses on the first instrument available to humans that, in music therapy training, is essential, delicate and little explored.

The SCVMT offers appropriate attention and training on the vocal topic in individual and group relationship, encouraging and intensifying listening, relational, expressive and creative skills, thus enriching the music therapist’s personal and professional resources.


The SCVMT training allows to improve listening and comprehension of one’s own and client’s vocal production in order to implement the music therapist’s competences. This training is applicable to all areas of intervention (preventive, therapeutic and rehabilitative). The course will supply the music therapist with tools to operate more effectively even when there are specific needs related to the client’s voice and vocality.


The SCVMT is a two-year course that offers a series of theoretical and experiential modules and provides global training and preparation in the fields of music therapy, medicine, psychology and music with the purpose of offering a wide and in-depth training on vocal music therapy.


The modules offer the possibility of assessing voice and vocality through different approaches so as to deepen/develop the vocal topic and consequently improve the application methods in the different fields of intervention.



Antonella Grusovin

Chiara Maria Bieker




Lisa Savio



The course is held by specialists with long-standing national and international experience. Each instructor deals with a specific subject related to voice and vocality, contributing to the development of the professional skills of the music therapist.

The training includes both experiential and theoretical lessons, in order to offer adequate and comprehensive training. Each instructor will provide the participants with a complete programme of his/her module together with an updated bibliography.




The annual course fee is €990 (€1,980 totally for the two-year course). The application deadline is 30 June 2024. It is possible to settle the payment of each year in three instalments (30 June 2024, 31 December 2024, 31 March 2025). For payment within 10th August 2024, a reduced fee of €900 will apply for the current year.

To complete the application, it is necessary to follow the instructions below in the given order: 1. Send a short CV to / 2. Take an online aptitude interview with the course manager / 3. Pay the application fee. Where applications for admission exceed the number of places available, the date of application will be taken into account. Participation in the course is restricted to A.P.S. Aulòs members only. The membership fee is €15, to be paid at the time of registration with the SCVMT. Membership is valid for 12 months from date of payment.


The course will start with a minimum of 12 and maximum of 18 participants.

If the course does not start due to the insufficient number of participants, the SCVMT application fee already paid will be refunded. The A.P.S. Aulòs membership fee will not be refunded.

No refund for the fees already paid will apply in the case of waiver or voluntary withdrawal from the course, exception made to the possibility for the course management to consider a pro rata temporis refund in specific individual cases in the event of serious reasons supported by documentation.

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